About us

More than 30 years ago we started wine tasting, wine holidays, culinary voyages of discovery and drinking all kinds of wine. With a few things that came back every time: France (particularly Burgundy, Rhône and Provence), Italy (particularly Piedmont, Veneto and Tuscany) and occasionally some Austria, Germany, Spain and Portugal.

The great thing about wine is that every winegrower (and there are hundreds of thousands of them) makes wine that is different from that of the neighbor. In addition, every year is different. You can get lost in wine….

We try to give you a helping hand. We carefully tasted our recommended wines, presented them to our tasting panels and also checked the international reviews on the internet.

Tastes differ of course, but these wines are supported by a broad spectrum of fellow wine lovers. Enjoy it!

Belinda Goedhard and Mark Balkenende